Interested in getting set up to provide electronic positive response? Please send an email to [email protected], or keep reading for more information.
Positive response is an important tool that allows each facility owner to communicate the status of a locate request directly with the excavator. This full-circle communication works to reduce the chance of a damage occurring by providing excavators the additional information needed work safely at the job site.
Facility owner/locator status codes:
CODE 0: Not Yet Responded.
CODE 1: Clear/No Conflict.
CODE 2: Marked/Completed.
CODE 3: Marked – Utility Representative Required.
CODE 4: Work-in-Progress – Not Yet Completed.
CODE 5: Not Marked – Contact Locator ASAP.
If a facility owner participates in positive response, Ticket Check will show their current status. If they do not participate by responding back to the notification center with a positive response, Ticket Check will state “Does not report.”
Getting set up to participate
Send us an email at [email protected] to let the Kootenai County One Call notification center know you’re ready to get set up to participate in positive response. Whether you respond to locate requests with the Ticket Check (offered for free by KCUC), your own system, or a combination, our team makes getting set up a convenient and easy process.
Questions about positive response?
Please email the Kootenai County One Call notification center at [email protected] and our team will answer your questions.
Click here to download the Ticket Check Manual.
Click here to download Idaho (KCUC) Ticket Check – Rules and Requirements.