Geographic Ticket Search

Did you find markings in your yard, but have no clue who’s digging? Do you need to find a ticket, but can’t recall any specifics besides the general area? OCC Offers Geographic Ticket Search for this reason.

Search For Tickets:

Use Geographic Ticket Search to find tickets by using an interactive map. Create a search area by drawing a polygon that covers the location you want to check. You can also add specific text information.

Are you trying to find a ticket, but don’t have a ticket number? If you can find the area on a map, Geographic Ticket Search can find the ticket.

Too many tickets? No problem. Narrow your search area by changing the range of dates searched, keywords like “company name” or even refining your search polygon.

Screenshot of a Geographic Ticket Search
Screenshot of a Geographic Ticket Search

Not digging in Kootenai County?

For Locates in Boundary, Bonner, Benewah and Shoshone counties go to:

For all other counties in Idaho go to:

Contact Us

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