Where can I obtain training for the new KCUC system and processing tickets online?
Free training on all of the new systems and products is available. Send an email to nwitic@occinc.com to get more information regarding dates and times.
Send an email to KCUC811@occinc.com to be added to the KCUC mailing list for future communications.
Who do I contact for assistance with my ID/contact info/login and password?
Contractor IDs that have been active in the last 12 months will be imported into the new system. You will be required to verify your contact and company information when you call.
If this is your first time accessing the new online ticketing (ITIC) system since December 1, 2021 you will need to register to create a new login and password. If you need assistance please contact nwitic@occinc.com or by calling 1-877-269-6585.
What options do I have for processing a locate request?
File tickets online by clicking HERE or by calling 800-428-4950 or 811. If you have questions about processing tickets online contact nwitic@occinc.com.
Is there a mobile app for the new KCUC system?
YES! There will be a mobile app for KCUC in 2022. Watch for the official launch date at www.kootenaicounty811.com.
Where do I go to file a ticket online?
Links to process tickets online will be found at www.kootenaicounty811.com. You can access the online ticketing system directly by clicking HERE.
Can I process tickets 24X7?
KCUC processes all types of tickets 24/7/365.
ITIC users can submit all tickets online 24×7. Requests submitted online after regular business hours are mapped and completed by the call center the next business day.
Will my old bookmarks still work after the transition December 1, 2021?
For KCUC specific access set a bookmark for this website www.kootenaicounty811.com. The website will always have the most up to date access to the online tools.
Can I attach excavation site maps to my locate requests?
You are able to attach files to a locate request if you use ITIC. ITIC users can attach photos, drawings, notes or any other document from their computer to a locate request placed through ITIC. Remember, an attachment is only supplemental information to help member utilities understand your ticket. ITIC users MUST provide specific instructions in the body of the ticket that clearly identifies the location of and markings needed for a proposed excavation area.
Will online tickets be reviewed by the call center before release to the utility companies?
Yes, all tickets will initially be reviewed by the call center and may take up to 2 hours for tickets to be reviewed and/or mapped by the call center and released to utility companies. THIS REVIEW PROCESS IS USED TO ENSURE ACCURACY AND PROPER ADHERANCE TO THE CALL CENTERS POLICIES. Each person for each organization will need to establish their own login and password so that the call center can monitor individual’s adherence to locate procedures.
Excavators using ITIC can become certified to map and bypass the review process sending tickets directly to the utility companies. Once an individual has been certified, they are able to process all tickets including emergencies 24/7/365. Quality control checks are routinely conducted on certified users to make sure they continue following the rules of the organization. If you are interested in learning more about the certification process please contact the KCUC ITIC Department at nwitic@occinc.com or by calling 1-877-269-6585.
How do I get a list of my tickets after December 1, 2021?
KCUC provides a comprehensive search function allowing both excavators and member utilities the ability to search for all of their KCUC tickets processed or received AFTER December 1, 2021. Ticket search assistance is also available via KCUC Customer Support at KCUC811@occinc.com or by calling 1-877-269-6585. Click here to search for tickets processed/received after December 1, 2021.
How do I get help while entering a ticket online?
ITIC users can get help by using:
- Live on-line chat – Just click the “live chat” button while logged into ITIC
- Manuals and Video Tutorials
- E-mail – KCUC811@occinc.com or by calling 1-877-269-6585
For general questions regarding processing tickets online or to set up a time for training send an email to nwitic@occinc.com.
When will I receive a copy of my ticket?
If you provide an email address when submitting a locate request, an email confirmation will automatically be sent to you. Click on the link to view your ticket and a satellite map that shows the excavation area you have identified. The link found on your email confirmation also provides access to any tickets you process after December 1, 2021.
What if I have trouble logging into the new KCUC online ticketing system?
The ITIC Help Desk is available to assist you with any problems you may have with logging in or accessing ITIC. You can reach the ITIC Help Desk during regular business hours at nwitic@occinc.com or by calling 1-877-269-6585.
Will ticket history (past tickets) be accessible?
Yes! Copies of tickets taken prior to December 1, 2021 will be made available upon request. Contact Pass Word at 509-624-5235 or send an email to customerservice@passwordinc.com.
KCUC provides a comprehensive search function allowing both excavators and member utilities the ability to search for all of their KCUC tickets processed or received after December 1, 2021. Ticket search assistance is also available via KCUC Customer Support at KCUC811@occinc.com or by calling 1-877-269-6585. Click here to search for tickets processed/received AFTER December 1, 2021.