Custom Outbound Ticket Formats

Facility operators can choose the information displayed on the tickets they receive. Customizing the ticket to meet their needs can save an operator both time and money.

Excavators must provide notification centers a great deal of information as a locate request is created. This rigorous process helps to ensure accuracy and safety, but a facility operator may not need all of the details a ticket contains. To address this diversity of needs, OCC allows facility operators to customize the information the notification center sends them.

  • Translate GPS information to the format that best suits your needs
  • Save money on ink – transmit in grayscale for more economical printing
  • Customize ticket format and order of information – list the essentials first to quickly determine how to respond

Not digging in Kootenai County?

For Locates in Boundary, Bonner, Benewah and Shoshone counties go to:

For all other counties in Idaho go to:

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